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Our Story

Here we are !! Quenten, Lisa and our kids Will and Darcy


A builder by trade, Quenten was born and raised in Mudgee. His grandparents were sheep and cropping farmers at Gulgong and he spent a large part of his childhood there. He moved to Sydney where he started and ran a building company for many years.


Lisa grew up on an orchard at Nashdale and like most kids way back then had to leave Orange to attend university in Armidale. She eventually ended up in Sydney and after a long sales and marketing career in both the human and animal health industries  took a break to have kids.


After spending many years in Sydney working at successful careers we both had a yearning to come back “home” to a simpler life and raise our children on a farm. We wanted to be part of a community and raise our kids the way we had been raised – at a small country school, running wild, and really being involved in a community.


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